Winter Programme 2024/2024

All events take place at the Club House unless stated otherwise

Tuesday mornings 10.00am - Social Morning with coffee and cake

September 20th 7pm - Carpet Bowles
September 27th
7pm - Whist Drive
October 4th
7pm - BINGO
October 11th
7pm - Carpet Bowls
October 18th
7pm - Crib and board games
October 24th 2.30pm -Make your own Christmas Pudding (book in advance)
October 25th 7pm - A.G.M.
November 1st 7pm - BINGO
November 8th 7pm -
Pudding Evening (book in advance)
November 9th 2.30pm - Indoor Bowls v Risbygate (book in advance)
November 15th 7pm - Carpet Bowls
November 22nd 7pm - Quiz night

November 29th 7pm - Race night with hot dogs (book in advance)
December 6th 7pm - BINGO
December 7th 6.30 for 7.00 - Xmas Dinner and Presentations at the village hall (book in advance)
December 13th 7pm - Carpet Bowls
December 20th 7pm - Christmas Draw with "nibbles" (book in advance)

January 3rd 7pm - BINGO
January 8th  Wednesday 2pm - Carpet Bowls
January 10th 7pm - Beetle Drive
January 17th 7pm - CPR demo - Carpet Bowls
January 24th
6.30pm - Casserole Night (book in advance)
January 25th
2.30pm- Indoor bowls v Risbygate (book in advance)
January 31st 7pm -Darts contest
February 1st 2.30pm - Indoor bowls v St Neots (book in advance, travel arrangements to be confirmed)
February 7th 7pm -BINGO
February 14th 7pm -Race Night with hot dogs (book in advance)
February 21st 7pm -Carpet Bowls
February 28th 7pm - Crib and board games
March 7th 7pm -BINGO
March 21st 7pm -Carpet Bowls
March 28th 7pm -HOY
April 4th 7pm -BINGO
April 11th 7pm -Beetle Drive

April 26th (provisional date) - NEW SEASON BEGINS

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