Norman Last beat Ken Feveyear in the Lacy Cup - Men's Singles.                                      

Doreen Paton beat Iris Last in the

Sid Lawrence Cup, Ladies Singles 

Bob Lee beat Cyril Norman in a hard-fought Millennium Cup (sponsored by June Pettit)

Miriam Ellis won the Allan Hurrell Salver (sponsored by Cyril & Maggie Norman) beating Chris Simpkin.

Cyril Norman defeated Christine Whitton in the Barry & Owen Handicap Cup (sponsored by Basil Hunt).

Husband and wife pairing of Cyril and Margaret Norman proved successful against Betty Lee and Henny Van Holland in the 

Derek Fell Cup.

Cyril Norman who had reached four finals was paired with Peter Caley in the Marsom Rose Bowl where they triumphed over Christine Whitton and Bryan Ellis (sponsored by George Whitton).

The umbrella League which Henny had organised during the season was won by Doreen Paton who was presented with the Harry Smith Memorial Shield.

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