We use our clubhouse for lots of activities during summer and winter. To find out more about our social activities please see our Activities page.

At Great Barton Bowls Club we play regularly in leagues run by the Bury and District, Area D Triples and Stowmarket Bowls Leagues. 
These leagues are suitable for beginners right through to the most experienced bowler, and of course with plenty of encouragement from your fellow team members, our games are always enjoyable and competitive. 

We have our own coaching team who are always keen to help you with your game, whether novice or seasoned. As well as the league games, we also run our own club competitions from singles, to pairs and triples.

Bowling is not just an 'old man's game', but open to all ages and abilities. There are various aids to help people cope and you can even bowl in a wheelchair.

 Every year we celebrate our winners and runners up at our annual dinner and presentation and we also celebrate the success of the winning bowlers here on our website. To maybe see a familiar name or a friend/family member's name then please visit our Club Honours page.   

The first year you join us you will only pay the £10 joining/social fee. This will give you a chance to try the game before you become a full member.

Every full paying bowls club member has a full membership to play bowls (including club and outside competitions and league play) and also take part in all of the social activities for £60 a year. There is also a social bowler membership for £30 if you don't want to join in competitive bowling.

If your partner or a friend just wishes to take advantage of the social side of the club and not play bowls, the good news is they can for just £10 a year which gives them social membership to
Great Barton Bowls Club.
If you wish to join Great Barton Bowls Club then please go to the Contact Us page, where you will find more details.

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