Programme 2024/25

All events take place at the Club House unless stated otherwise
Tuesday mornings 10.00am
(September - April) - Social Morning with coffee and cake
Tuesday mornings 10.00am
(April - September) - Roll-up with coffee and biscuits

Winter programme

Summer programme

Collett Cup winners. C Norman, J Turner and P Caley
Collett Cup winners. C Norman, J Turner and P Caley

The Collett Cup 2024

The 2024 Collett Cup competition and BBQ was due to start at two o'clock on Saturday 5th July 2024. During the morning there was heavy rain and by eleven o'clock there were puddles starting to form on the green and we were considering abandoning the competition. As the forecast was for an improvement by mid/late afternoon it was decided to meet at three o'clock and decide then whether to play or just have an indoor BBQ.

By three o'clock the sun was shining and the green was playable, thanks to a well draining green. Each of the eight triples teams played three matches as in previous years, but with only six ends instead of the usual eight. After the BBQ the two teams with the highest total scores played the final match. It was a tight match with a score of 4:4 after the fifth end. The team of C Norman, J Turner and P Caley took the final end with a score of one. The runners-up were C Fiske, B Skinner and H Lee.

Presidents Day 2024

President's Day was held on the 10th August, the weather was kind to us with near perfect bowling conditions.

The trophy was presented to the winning team by the Club President Mr George Whitton. The winning team were S Davey, M Norman, D Payne. The runners-up team were J Grainger, J Sparkes, J Spencer.

The day concluded with a buffet tea.

Club Triples winners. C Norman, C Simpkin and P Grainger
Club Triples winners. C Norman, C Simpkin and P Grainger

Club Finals Day 2024

Club Finals Day is the cumulation of the various Club competitions with the preliminary rounds taking place during the summer.

This years Finals Day was held on the 7th September, the day started slightly overcast but the weather improved as the day went by. The green was in very good condition after a full seasons play.

We had an early 9 o'clock start for the first match, the Club Triples. The remaining matches were played during the day, with a break for a lunch of soup and bread. See the Club Honours pages for the results. After the last match we were treated to a wonderful buffet tea.

Closing the green
Closing the green

Closing the Green 2024

The 14th September saw the members gather for the official closing of the green. Following tradition many of the members were in fancy dress which gave an informal feel to the days events.

The day featured the Ladies versus Men competition, however, as there was a slight shortage of lady players a few of the gents played for the ladies. The Men's team were victorious and the blue ribbon was fitted on the trophy.

The day concluded with a fish and chip tea.

Christmas meal and Presentation of Awards

December 7th saw members of the Great Barton Bowls Club come together at the village hall for our annual Christmas meal and Presentation of Awards.

The wonderful meal was provided by local outside caterer Andrea and her team, this was followed by entertainment from the singing duo "Eddie and Jane Campbell". The evening conclude with the presentation of Club awards.

Christmas meal and Presentation of Awards - Photos

Bowls Club Christmas Tree 2024
Bowls Club Christmas Tree 2024

Holy Innocents Church, Christmas Tree Display 2024

In recent years the Great Barton Parish Church, Holy Innocents, have had a display of decorated Christmas Trees in the Church, these have been provided by local organisations. Once again Great Barton Bowls Club have entered a tree, this year it was was created by Sue Kelly, Christine Morgan.

Holy Innocents Church, Great Barton 2024
Holy Innocents Church, Great Barton 2024
End of season fancy dress game ladies v. gents 2016
End of season fancy dress game ladies v. gents 2016

Here at Great Barton Bowls club, there is always something to do, and not just bowling.

Of course we have lots of social games where friends organise meeting at the club for a leisurely game of bowls and a coffee regularly and you will always find someone to join you in a 'roll-up'. 

We always like to enjoy ourselves and you might even see us all not wearing the regulation bowls clothes....

Potters tournament
Potters tournament

In addition to our summer bowls games, we also play bowls in the winter at the Indoor bowls centre in Stowmarket.
As well as bowls we have many different activities happening in the club, from darts competitions, carpet bowls, to bingo nights, to card nights, eating and drinking together and our annual Potters holiday. 

Coffee mornings and roll up - Tuesdays in the summer. In winter we have coffee and cake and a natter on Tuesday mornings.

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